School Psychology: Using Evidence-Based Interventions to Improve Student Outcomes

School psychology is an important field of study that seeks to improve the academic, social, and emotional functioning of all students. It is a multifaceted profession, combining empirical research, assessment, intervention, and consultation to help facilitate positive outcomes in students. This article will discuss the role of school psychology in improving student outcomes by leveraging evidence-based interventions.

School psychologists provide valuable services to students, families, and schools to help promote healthy learning environments. They use a combination of research, assessment, and intervention to address academic, behavioral, and emotional issues in students. School psychologists have a deep understanding of learning disabilities, mental health concerns, and child development, which can help them provide effective interventions to address student needs.

Evidence-based interventions are interventions that are backed by scientific research and have been proven to reduce the severity of behavioral and emotional problems. These interventions include cognitive-behavioral therapy, social skills interventions, and family-based interventions. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is an evidence-based intervention that focuses on changing maladaptive thoughts and behaviors. It has been found to be effective in reducing anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. Social skills interventions focus on teaching students social skills, such as communication, problem-solving, and conflict resolution. Finally, family-based interventions involve working with parents and caregivers to help promote healthy family functioning.

School psychologists can also provide consultation to teachers and administrators to help them create positive learning environments. This can include providing professional development on classroom management, teaching strategies, and evidence-based interventions. School psychologists can also serve as liaisons between the school and the community, connecting families to resources and services that may be beneficial to their children.

The role of school psychology is to facilitate positive outcomes in students by leveraging evidence-based interventions. School psychologists use research, assessment, and intervention to address academic, behavioral, and emotional issues in students. They can also provide consultation to teachers and administrators to help them create positive learning environments. By utilizing evidence-based interventions and providing consultation, school psychologists can help promote healthy learning environments and improve student outcomes.


American Psychological Association. (2020). What is a School Psychologist? Retrieved from

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Gresham, F. M., & Gansle, K. A. (2020). Social skills interventions for children and adolescents: Evidence-based approaches. New York, NY: The Guilford Press.

Hershel, J., & Weaver, C. (2013). Principles of school psychology. New York, NY: Springer Science & Business Media.

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