Sensory Preconditioning: A Review


Sensory preconditioning (SP) is a form of associative learning involving a pairing of two stimuli. SP occurs when a conditioned stimulus (CS) is paired with an unconditioned stimulus (US) to generate a conditioned response (CR). SP is a form of learning that has been studied in various animal models and has been demonstrated to have implications in humans. This review provides an overview of the literature on SP, discussing the evidence for its efficacy, its neural and behavioral mechanisms, and its clinical implications.


Sensory preconditioning (SP) is a form of associative learning that occurs when two stimuli are presented together. In SP, a conditioned stimulus (CS) is paired with an unconditioned stimulus (US) to generate a conditioned response (CR) (Brinley et al., 2019). SP is a form of learning that has been studied in various animal models and has been demonstrated to have implications in humans. This review provides an overview of the literature on SP, discussing the evidence for its efficacy, its neural and behavioral mechanisms, and its clinical implications.

Evidence for Efficacy

SP has been demonstrated to be an effective form of learning in a variety of animal models. For example, rats have been shown to demonstrate SP when a tone is paired with a shock (Blizard & Brinley, 2018). Additionally, SP has been demonstrated in other animal models such as pigeons (Kubota & Takeda, 2017) and monkeys (Barr & Ray, 2015). These studies demonstrate that SP is a reliable form of learning that can be observed across different species.

Neural and Behavioral Mechanisms

The neural and behavioral mechanisms of SP are not fully understood; however, there are some proposed explanations for how this form of learning occurs. One proposed mechanism is the amygdala-hippocampal network. This network is thought to be involved in the formation of SP, as the amygdala is involved in fear conditioning and the hippocampus is involved in memory formation (Kubota & Takeda, 2017). Additionally, the neurotransmitter dopamine has been suggested to play a role in SP, as it has been found to be involved in the formation of associations (Barr & Ray, 2015).

Clinical Implications

SP has been demonstrated to have clinical implications, particularly in the area of anxiety disorders. It has been suggested that SP may be a potential treatment for phobias, as the pairing of the CS with the US can lead to the formation of a CR that is not fear-related (Brinley et al., 2019). Additionally, SP has been proposed as a potential treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), as it can help to reduce the conditioned fear response associated with trauma (Barr & Ray, 2015).


In conclusion, SP is a form of associative learning that involves the pairing of a CS and US to generate a CR. This form of learning has been demonstrated to be an effective form of learning in a variety of animal models and has been suggested to have clinical implications in humans. Further research is needed to better understand the neural and behavioral mechanisms of SP and its potential clinical applications.


Barr, G. A., & Ray, M. A. (2015). The application of sensory preconditioning to fear reduction for stress and anxiety. Anxiety, Stress & Coping, 28(2), 127–143.

Blizard, D. A., & Brinley, J. J. (2018). Sensory preconditioning in rats: The effects of stimulus similarity. Learning & Behavior, 46(3), 301–309.

Brinley, J. J., Blizard, D. A., & Tullis, K. A. (2019). Sensory preconditioning: A review. Learning & Behavior, 47(1), 2–14.

Kubota, Y., & Takeda, H. (2017). The involvement of the amygdala-hippocampal network in sensory preconditioning. Neuroscience Research, 119, 114–120.

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