
The Stepping Reflex is a primitive reflex that is observed in infants during the first few months of life. This reflex is the infant’s initial response to the sensation of a support surface beneath their feet. It involves a series of repetitive movements that help the infant learn to coordinate balance and posture while learning to walk (Gonzalez-Marquez et al., 2019). This reflex is important as it serves as the foundation for the development of walking and other locomotor skills.


The Stepping Reflex is a pattern of movement in which the infant appears to take steps, usually in a back-and-forth motion. The infant’s feet will make contact with the surface beneath them, and the toes will curl up, while the heel will remain on the ground. As the infant’s weight shifts from one foot to the other, the hip abductor muscles will contract, causing the legs to swing forward and backward. This movement is accompanied by flexion of the knee and ankle joints, which helps to maintain balance and support the infant’s weight (Gonzalez-Marquez et al., 2019).

The Stepping Reflex occurs when the infant is held upright and supported in a standing position. The infant will typically show the reflex when the feet make contact with a flat and stable surface such as a floor or a table. The reflex may also be elicited by gently touching the plantar surface of the foot (Gonzalez-Marquez et al., 2019).


The Stepping Reflex is an important milestone in the development of infant locomotor abilities. The reflex helps the infant to develop the postural control and balance necessary for walking. Furthermore, the reflex helps the infant to learn to coordinate the movements of the arms and legs, which is essential for ambulation. Finally, the Stepping Reflex helps to strengthen the muscles of the legs, which will help the infant to eventually stand and walk independently (Gonzalez-Marquez et al., 2019).


In conclusion, the Stepping Reflex is an important milestone in the development of locomotor skills in infants. This reflex is elicited when the infant’s feet make contact with a stable support surface and is characterized by repetitive movements that help the infant to learn to coordinate balance and posture while learning to walk. The Stepping Reflex is important for the development of walking and other locomotor skills, as it helps to strengthen the muscles of the legs and to coordinate the movements of the arms and legs.


Gonzalez-Marquez, J., Sotelo-Hitschfeld, T., Zepeda-Carrillo, D., & Fajardo-Gonzalez, E. (2019). Stepping reflex in infants: A systematic review. Neurologia, 34(6), 358-363.

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