
Temper is a psychological term that can be defined as the ability to control one’s emotions, reactions, and behavior in various situations (Hosseini & Zare, 2017). It is a quality that is important for human beings to develop in order to maintain healthy and successful relationships with others. Good temper is associated with positive mental health and well-being, while bad temper is associated with negative mental health and well-being (Terapia, 2019). This article aims to discuss the various aspects of temper, such as its definition, causes, and effects, and the strategies that can be used to improve it.


Temper is the ability to manage one’s emotions, reactions, and behavior in various situations (Hosseini & Zare, 2017). It is a psychological quality that is important for humans to develop in order to maintain healthy and successful relationships with others. Good temper is associated with positive mental health and well-being, while bad temper is associated with negative mental health and well-being (Terapia, 2019). It is important to note that temper is different from aggression, which is a behavior that is intended to cause physical or psychological harm to another person (Hosseini & Zare, 2017).


Various factors can cause temper issues. These include psychological factors such as stress, anxiety, depression, and personality traits, as well as environmental factors such as family dynamics and the culture in which a person is raised (Terapia, 2019). Temper issues can also be caused by physical factors such as physical illness or injury, or by neurological factors such as neurochemical imbalances (Hosseini & Zare, 2017).


The effects of temper issues can vary depending on the severity of the issue and the individual’s ability to manage it. Some of the potential effects of temper issues include social isolation, relationship difficulties, workplace problems, and legal problems (Terapia, 2019). In addition, temper issues can lead to physical health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and headaches (Hosseini & Zare, 2017).

Strategies for Improving Temper

There are various strategies that can be used to improve temper. These include relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, and yoga; cognitive behavioral therapy; and lifestyle modifications such as regular exercise and a healthy diet (Terapia, 2019). In addition, it is important to identify and address the underlying causes of temper issues, such as stress, anxiety, and depression (Hosseini & Zare, 2017).


In conclusion, temper is an important psychological quality that is important for humans to develop in order to maintain healthy and successful relationships with others. Various factors can cause temper issues, and the effects can vary depending on the severity of the issue and the individual’s ability to manage it. There are various strategies that can be used to improve temper, such as relaxation techniques, cognitive behavioral therapy, and lifestyle modifications.


Hosseini, M., & Zare, E. (2017). Temper and aggression: A comparative study. Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, 11(4), e58650.

Terapia (2019). Temper and how to improve it. Retrieved from https://www.terapia.ro/articles/temper-and-how-to-improve-it/

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