Tomography is a form of imaging which allows for the visualization of structures within a three-dimensional object. Commonly used in medical imaging, tomography has been used to image the body for diagnostic purposes since the early 1900s (Smith, 2019). The technique is based on the principles of x-ray imaging, using the differences in absorption of x-rays to create a digital representation of the interior of an object.

Tomography is used in a variety of fields, from medical imaging to industrial inspection and research. In medical imaging, tomography is most commonly used to create a detailed image of the organs, bones, and soft tissues of the body. This allows for the diagnosis of a wide range of conditions, including cancer, cardiac disease, and orthopedic conditions (Matsuura, 2019). Tomography is also used in industrial inspection, to detect flaws and defects in materials, and to monitor the manufacturing process (Ding et al. 2020). In scientific research, tomography is used to study the structure and processes of living organisms and to produce high-resolution images of materials down to the nanometer scale (Xu et al. 2020).

Tomography is an important imaging technique due to its ability to visualize the interior of an object without damage or destruction. The technique is relatively simple and is based on the principles of x-ray imaging, making it a versatile and powerful tool. Tomography is used in a wide variety of fields and has revolutionized the diagnosis and monitoring of many medical conditions.


Ding, Y., Wang, Y., Huang, Y., & Li, P. (2020). Industrial computed tomography for nondestructive testing: A review. Measurement, 158, 107335. doi:10.1016/j.measurement.2020.107335

Matsuura, M. (2019). Tomography-based imaging for diagnosis in orthopaedics. Journal of Orthopaedic Science, 24(1), 2-8. doi:10.1016/j.jos.2018.06.008

Smith, E. (2019). X-ray tomography: An introduction. Perspectives in Science, 9(3), 253-261. doi:10.1016/j.pisc.2019.05.006

Xu, X., Zhu, W., Huang, F., & Sun, J. (2020). X-ray nanotomography: applications and advancements in material sciences. Nanomaterials, 10(1), 96. doi:10.3390/nano10010096

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