Total institutions are described as environments that are designed to completely control and isolate individuals from the outside world. The concept of total institutions was developed by sociologist Erving Goffman in 1961 and is used to describe a variety of settings, including prisons, monasteries, mental asylums, and orphanages. This article will explore the concept of total institutions and their effects on the individuals who inhabit them.

Total institutions are defined by Goffman as environments that are designed to completely control and isolate individuals from the outside world (Goffman, 1961). Total institutions typically have a single purpose, such as the rehabilitation of criminal offenders, and are characterized by a hierarchical structure of authority and the use of strict rules and regulations. Total institutions are also characterized by a lack of privacy and a lack of individual autonomy (Goffman, 1961).

Effects on Individuals
The effects of total institutions on individuals can be both psychological and physical. The lack of autonomy and privacy in total institutions can lead to feelings of alienation, anxiety, and depression (Goffman, 1961). The strict rules and regulations of total institutions can also lead to feelings of powerlessness and hopelessness (Goffman, 1961). The physical effects of total institutions can include weight gain due to the lack of regular exercise, as well as an increase in stress levels due to the lack of control over one’s environment (Goffman, 1961).

Total institutions are environments that are designed to completely control and isolate individuals from the outside world. They are characterized by a single purpose, a hierarchical structure of authority, and the use of strict rules and regulations. The effects of total institutions on individuals can be both psychological and physical, and can include feelings of alienation, anxiety, depression, powerlessness, and hopelessness.

Goffman, E. (1961). Asylums: Essays on the Social Situation of Mental Patients and Other Inmates. Garden City, NY: Anchor Books.

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