Traditionalism is an idea that is deeply rooted in a variety of cultures and societies across the world. It is based on the belief that certain practices, customs, and beliefs should remain unchanged regardless of external influences or changes in the environment. This idea has been embraced by many cultures, including those in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, and has had a major influence on the way people live and interact with one another.

Traditionalism is often associated with certain forms of religion, such as Islam and Hinduism, and is also closely linked to conservative politics. It is based on the idea that certain values and norms should remain in place, and that any deviation from them should be discouraged or even prohibited. Traditionalism is often used to maintain social order and stability, and can be seen as a way of preserving a culture’s identity and heritage.

In some cases, traditionalism can be seen as a form of resistance to globalization. Globalization has had a major impact on many cultures, and some view traditionalism as a way of preserving an individual culture’s identity and values in the face of increasing external influence. Traditionalism can also be seen as a way of preserving certain cultural practices and beliefs that are seen as essential to a particular society or culture.

Traditionalism can also be seen as a form of self-preservation. By maintaining certain beliefs and values, people can feel more secure and connected to their culture and heritage. Traditionalism can also be seen as a way of protecting a culture’s values and beliefs from external influences, and as a way of maintaining a sense of stability and order.

Despite its potential benefits, traditionalism can also be seen as a form of stagnation and resistance to change. It can be seen as an obstacle to progress and a barrier to innovation. It can also be seen as a way of suppressing new ideas and preventing people from exploring new possibilities.

Overall, traditionalism is a complex concept that has a variety of meanings and implications. It is seen by some as a way of protecting a culture’s heritage and values, while others view it as a form of stagnation and resistance to change.


Ahmed, E. (2019). Traditionalism and Globalization in South Asian Societies: The Limits of Change. SAGE Journals.

Dewe, M. (2015). Religion and traditionalism in the Middle East: A review. International Journal of Social Science Studies, 3(3), 126–133.

Lind, M. (2014). Globalization and traditionalism: Implications for contemporary society. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 5(6), 12–18.

McGrath, A. (2008). What is traditionalism? The Immanent Frame.

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