Transfer is the process of learning a skill or knowledge in one context and applying it to another. It is a fundamental concept in cognitive psychology and has been studied extensively in the field of education. This article provides an overview of transfer, including its definition, types, factors that influence its effectiveness, and its applications in education and training.


Transfer is a process whereby individuals learn a skill or knowledge in one context and then apply it to another. According to Anderson (1996), transfer occurs when “an individual acquires a new skill or knowledge in one context and then applies it to a different but related context.” Transfer is seen as a process of generalization, where a learner takes a skill or knowledge learned in one situation and applies it to another.


Transfer can be divided into two types: positive transfer and negative transfer. Positive transfer occurs when the prior learning experience is beneficial to the new learning task. Negative transfer occurs when prior learning impedes learning a new task.

Factors Affecting Transfer

Several factors influence the effectiveness of transfer. First, the type of learning task influences transfer. Transfer is more likely to occur when the learning tasks are similar. Second, the learner’s prior knowledge of the task is important. Learners who have more experience or knowledge in the subject area tend to transfer better than those with less experience or knowledge. Third, the learner’s motivation to learn the task affects transfer. Learners who are highly motivated to learn are more likely to transfer their knowledge than those who are less motivated.


Transfer is an important concept in education and training, as it allows learners to apply their prior knowledge to new situations. Transfer can be used to facilitate learning by providing practice in a variety of contexts. For example, in a language class, students can practice reading comprehension by discussing the same material in different contexts. Transfer can also be used to facilitate transfer of knowledge across different disciplines. For example, mathematics can be used to solve problems in physics or biology.


Transfer is an important concept in cognitive psychology and education. It occurs when individuals apply knowledge learned in one context to another. Transfer can be divided into two types, positive and negative, and is affected by several factors, including type of task, prior knowledge, and motivation. Transfer is an important tool in education and training, as it allows learners to apply their knowledge to new situations.


Anderson, J. R. (1996). Learning and memory: An integrated approach. New York, NY: Wiley.

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