Truth value is an important concept in logic and philosophy that refers to the validity of a statement. It is typically expressed as either true or false. In formal logic, a statement’s truth value is determined by its logical form and the rules of inference it follows. In philosophy, truth value is often used to refer to the degree to which a statement accurately reflects reality.

In formal logic, a statement has a truth value if it can be logically deduced from a set of premises. This is usually done by using a set of logical rules known as the rules of inference. These rules allow one to determine the truth value of a statement by determining whether its logical form is valid. For example, a statement of the form “A implies B” is true if A is true and B is false.

In philosophy, truth value is often used to refer to the degree to which a statement accurately reflects reality. This is known as the correspondence theory of truth, which states that a statement is true if it corresponds to some aspect of reality. For example, the statement “the sky is blue” is true if the sky is in fact blue.

Truth value is an important concept in many areas of philosophy, including epistemology, ethics, and aesthetics. It is also an important concept in mathematics, where it is used to determine the validity of proofs. In computer science, truth value is used to determine the correctness of a program’s output.

Truth value is an important concept in many areas of philosophy, science, and mathematics. It is used to determine the validity of a statement or proof, as well as to assess the accuracy of a statement in relation to reality. Understanding truth value is essential for any student of logic or philosophy.


Boolos, G., & Jeffrey, R. (1989). Computability and logic (3rd ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Kneale, W., & Kneale, M. (1962). The development of logic. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Kennedy, J. (2016). Definition of truth value. Retrieved from

Sorensen, R. (2001). Understanding truth. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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