Breeds are a type of domesticated animal that is derived from a group of selectively bred animals that possess certain traits that are different from the original species. Breeds have been created to fulfill certain needs, including providing meat, dairy, eggs, fur, and companionship. Breeds can differ in color, shape, size, and temperament, and can be found in all domesticated species of animals, including cats, dogs, horses, cattle, and poultry (Weaver, 2017).

The development of breeds began thousands of years ago, when ancient humans selected animals for their desirable traits. Through careful selective breeding, they created animals specifically suited to their environment and needs. Today, there are hundreds of different breeds of animals, from small dogs and cats to large horses and cattle (Weaver, 2017).

Types of Breeds
Breeds can be divided into two main categories: purebred and mixed breed. Purebred animals are descended from a single breed, and have been bred for centuries to maintain certain characteristics. Mixed breeds are created by crossing two or more breeds, and often possess qualities from both parents. While both types of breeds have their advantages and disadvantages, mixed breeds are often healthier and more resilient than purebreds (Weaver, 2017).

The health of a breed is determined by its genes, and healthy breeds will generally have fewer health problems than those with weaker genes. Breeds that are bred for specific traits, such as size or coat color, are often at a higher risk for certain health issues. For example, large breeds are more prone to hip dysplasia, while white-coated breeds often have a higher risk of sunburn and skin cancer (Weaver, 2017).

Breeds are an important part of domesticated animal life, and have been developed over centuries in order to meet the needs of humans. Breeds can be divided into two main categories: purebred and mixed breed, and each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. The health of a breed is determined by its genes, and breeds that are bred for specific traits are often at a higher risk for certain health issues.

Weaver, M. (2017). What Are Breeds? Retrieved from

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