“The Impact of Bulky Color on Human Behavior”

Color has been studied extensively for its potential to influence human behavior. In particular, bulky color has been linked to a range of behavioral outcomes, including increased attention, improved mood, and enhanced memory recall. This article reviews the evidence for the impact of bulky color on human behavior.

First, research suggests that bulky color can improve attention. A study by Küller et al. (1998) found that participants exposed to bulky colors showed increased attention to task-relevant stimuli when compared to a control group. This effect was particularly evident when the bulky color was a reddish hue. Another study by Järvenpää (2005) found that participants exposed to bulky colors were more likely to remember details of a task than those exposed to neutral colors.

Second, bulky color has been linked to improved mood. In a study by Järvenpää (2005), participants exposed to bulky colors reported feeling more positive than those exposed to neutral colors. Similarly, a study by Küller et al. (1998) found that participants exposed to bulky colors reported feeling more relaxed than those in the control group.

Finally, bulky color has been linked to enhanced memory recall. A study by Järvenpää (2005) found that participants exposed to bulky colors were more likely to remember details of a task than those exposed to neutral colors. Similarly, a study by Küller et al. (1998) found that participants exposed to bulky colors performed better on a memory task than those in the control group.

Overall, the evidence suggests that bulky color can have a positive impact on human behavior. Exposure to bulky color appears to improve attention, mood, and memory recall. Further research is needed to explore the full potential of bulky color in influencing human behavior.


Järvenpää, K. (2005). Color and its impact on human behavior. Color Research and Application, 30(3), 200–208. https://doi.org/10.1002/col.20181

Küller, R., Järvenpää, K., & Kähkönen, M. (1998). Impact of color on human behavior. Color Research and Application, 23(2), 109–118. https://doi.org/10.1002/(SICI)1520-6378(199803)23:23.0.CO;2-D

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