Deuterium (Deutero-) is an isotope of hydrogen with an atomic mass of 2. Deuterium is a stable isotope, meaning it does not naturally decay like other isotopes. It is found in trace amounts in nature and is an important part of many scientific studies.

Deuterium has a number of unique properties compared to normal hydrogen (protium). It has a higher density, a higher boiling point, and a lower ionization potential. It also has a higher mass which can affect the rate of chemical reactions. These properties make deuterium a useful tool in many areas of research.

One of the most important uses of deuterium is in nuclear fusion. In a fusion reaction, deuterium atoms are combined with other atoms to form a new element. This process can produce large amounts of energy, making it a potential source of clean and renewable energy. Deuterium has also been used to study the structure and dynamics of molecules and to measure the temperature and pressure of interstellar clouds.

Deuterium has a number of medical applications as well. It has been used to diagnose and treat a wide range of medical conditions, including cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. It has also been used to study the effects of radiation on the human body.

Deuterium is also used in food chemistry research. It can be used to study the structure and stability of food molecules, as well as the effects of additives on food products.

In conclusion, deuterium is an important isotope of hydrogen with a number of unique properties. It has a wide range of applications in science and medicine, making it an invaluable tool for researchers.


Elliott, S. (2018). Deuterium: Properties, Uses, and Facts. Retrieved from

Hogan, J. (2017, August 28). What is Deuterium? Retrieved from

Kim, H., & Chang, S. (2012). Deuterium: Its Applications and Recent Developments in Deuterium-Labeled Compounds. Chemical Reviews, 112(11), 6252–6284.

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