The DIN Color System, developed by the German Institute for Standardization (DIN), is a color-coding system used in the automotive industry. The system is based on the Munsell Color System, which uses the three-dimensional color space. The DIN Color System uses three different hues to define color: hue, value, and saturation. The hue is the dominant color in the system, with value and saturation used to further refine the color.

The DIN Color System is used mainly in the automotive industry, but it has also been adopted by other industries such as furniture and textile design. The system is used to quickly identify and differentiate colors, making it easier to choose the right color for a product. It is also used to help designers and manufacturers match colors to specific requirements.

The DIN Color System has been widely adopted by the automotive industry, as it provides a consistent and precise system for color-coding components. It is also used in the design of automotive products, such as interior and exterior trim, and wheels. The system is also used in the manufacture of automotive products, such as paints and finishes.

The DIN Color System has been around since the early 1900s, and has been continuously updated and improved over the years. The system is regularly revised to keep up with advances in color science. The latest version, DIN 99, was released in 2020.

The DIN Color System is an important tool for designers and manufacturers, as it allows them to quickly and accurately identify and match colors. It is also a useful tool for consumers, as it allows them to quickly and easily compare and choose colors for their vehicles.


1. German Institute for Standardization. (2020). DIN Color System. Retrieved from https://www.din.de/en/standards/colors/din-color-system

2. Munsell Color System. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Munsell_color_system

3. Automotive Color Coding: What is the DIN Color System? (2020). Retrieved from https://www.jotun.com/en/me/inspiration/articles/automotive-color-coding-what-is-the-din-color-system/

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