Disaster Counseling: A Primer

The general public is increasingly aware of the damaging effects of natural disasters on individuals, families, and communities. In order to provide appropriate and effective support for affected populations, it is essential that mental health professionals understand the fundamental principles of disaster counseling. This article provides a brief overview of disaster counseling, including its purpose, assessment, and intervention strategies.


The purpose of disaster counseling is to provide emotional and psychological support to individuals and communities affected by disasters. Disaster counseling is typically provided within the context of a coordinated relief effort, and is intended to mitigate the psychological distress associated with disaster-related stressors. It is important to acknowledge that the impact of a disaster is individual-specific, and that no two individuals or communities will respond in the same way.


When engaging in disaster counseling, it is essential to assess the individual’s or community’s needs, as well as their overall response to the disaster. This can involve a variety of assessment tools, such as interviews, surveys, and psychometric tests. Additionally, the counselor should assess the individual’s or community’s existing support systems, as well as any preexisting mental health conditions.

Intervention Strategies

Once the assessment is complete, the counselor can begin to develop an intervention plan. This plan should be tailored to the individual’s or community’s needs and resources. Common intervention strategies include providing psychoeducation, offering individual and group counseling, and facilitating access to additional services such as housing, employment, and medical care. Additionally, counselors should strive to build resiliency by helping individuals and communities identify positive coping strategies and utilize available resources.


Disaster counseling is an important component of disaster relief efforts. It is essential for counselors to understand the purpose, assessment, and intervention strategies associated with disaster counseling in order to provide effective and appropriate support for affected populations.


American Red Cross. (2020). Mental health and coping after a disaster. Retrieved from https://www.redcross.org/about-us/our-work/disaster-relief/mental-health-coping-after-disaster.html

Fernandez, M. (2019). Disaster mental health counseling. In B. Johnson (Ed.), Encyclopedia of counseling: Master review and tutorial for the national counselor examination, state counseling exams, and the counseling profession (4th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley & Sons.

Kotler, L., & Lim, J. (2019). The role of psychological assessment in disaster response: A primer. The American Psychologist, 74(4), 541-552. doi: 10.1037/amp0000441

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