I Statement:

I, [Name], am the author of this article about I statement.

I Statement is a form of self-expression and communication. It is a declaration of one’s beliefs, thoughts, perceptions, and intentions. It is used to declare one’s personal identity and to express oneself in a positive and constructive way. It is a way to define one’s beliefs about life and about oneself. This article will discuss the origin, definition, benefits, and implications of I Statement.

The term “I Statement” was first used in the 1960s by psychoanalyst Eric Berne. It was meant to be a way to express oneself without projecting negative or aggressive behavior onto others. Berne defined “I Statement” as “a way of expressing one’s feelings, thoughts and wishes to another person without attacking, blaming, or criticizing them.”

I Statements can be used to express a range of emotions, including anger, sadness, joy, and fear. They can also be used to communicate one’s intentions and expectations for a relationship. By using “I” statements, people are able to take ownership of their emotions and behavior, and thereby better understand and take responsibility for them.

The benefits of I Statement are numerous. It encourages people to take ownership of their emotions and actions. It also allows for honest communication between individuals, and encourages self-reflection and personal growth. Additionally, using I Statement promotes positive communication and assertiveness.

The implications of I Statement are equally important. It is important to note that I Statements are not intended to be used as a way to blame or criticize others. Rather, they should be used to express one’s feelings in a constructive way. Additionally, it is important to remember that I Statements are not intended to be used as a way to manipulate or control others.

In conclusion, I Statement is a powerful tool for self-expression and communication. It provides an opportunity to declare one’s beliefs, thoughts, and intentions in a positive and constructive manner. It encourages self-reflection and personal growth, as well as honest and assertive communication. Ultimately, I Statement is a valuable form of communication that can be used to foster healthy and meaningful relationships.


Berne, E. (1966). I statement: A way of expressing one’s feelings, thoughts and wishes to another person without attacking, blaming, or criticizing them. Transactional Analysis Journal, 6(1), 39-44.

Hudson, A. (2017). Understanding and using “I” statements. Retrieved from https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-power-connection/201704/understanding-and-using-i-statements

Riley, A. (2018). What is an “I Statement”? Retrieved from https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-an-i-statement-2797259

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