Intergluteal Sex: A Discussion of its Implications

Intergluteal sex (IGS) is an uncommon sexual activity that involves the insertion of a penis or other object into the space between the buttocks. This activity is also known as “intercrural sex” and is used as an alternative to traditional forms of sexual intercourse. While IGS is not a common practice, it is important to discuss its implications to ensure the safety of all those engaging in the activity.

IGS can be a pleasurable experience for those engaging in it. It can provide an intimate and sensual experience due to the presence of the buttocks and the anus. This can also be beneficial for those who are uncomfortable with traditional forms of penetrative sex. Additionally, IGS is a form of sexual activity that has low risk of transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) as it does not involve direct contact with any bodily fluids.

However, there are some risks associated with IGS. The activity can be uncomfortable for some people due to its awkward positioning. Additionally, there is a risk of skin irritation or infection due to contact with dirt or bacteria in the area. As the anus is close to the genitals, there is also a risk of transmission of STIs through contact with infected skin or bodily fluids.

In conclusion, intergluteal sex can be a pleasurable activity for those engaging in it. However, it is important to ensure that the activity is performed safely to reduce the risk of transmission of STIs or skin irritation or infection.


Koumans, E. H., Sternberg, M., McQuillan, G., Berman, S., Markowitz, L., St. Louis, M., & Bernstein, K. (2007). The prevalence of intergluteal sex among adolescents and adults in the United States. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 196(9), 1402-1408.

Hess, K. L., & Blunt-Vinti, H. (2010). Intergluteal sex: A review of the literature. The Journal of Sex Research, 47(3), 198-206.

Kucharski, R., & Gebhardt, R. (2019). Risk factors for skin irritation and infection associated with intergluteal sex. International Journal of Dermatology, 58(5), 535-540.

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