Interventionism: A Review of Its History and Impact

Interventionism is a concept that has been utilized by many countries throughout history, and its impact has been far-reaching. This article will discuss the history and impact of interventionism, focusing on the international political, economic, and military aspects of the concept. In addition, this article will provide an overview of the various forms of interventionism and the various motivations behind it.

The history of interventionism dates back to the early modern period, when countries such as France, Spain, and Britain employed it in their dealings with other nations. In the 16th century, France and Spain used interventionism to gain control over the New World and its resources. Britain used interventionism to gain control over its colonies in the Americas. In the 18th century, Britain used interventionism to protect its commercial interests in India, Africa, and the Caribbean.

In the 19th century, the concept of interventionism was further developed by the United States. It was used to extend the US’ influence and power in Latin America, especially in the Caribbean and Central America. It was also used to protect US interests in the Pacific region, especially in the Philippines. In addition, the US used interventionism to protect its interests in the Middle East, particularly in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The concept of interventionism has had a significant impact on international relations. It has been used to exert influence over other countries and to gain access to resources and markets. It has also been used to prevent the spread of communism and to support allies. In addition, interventionism has been used to spread democracy and to promote human rights.

The various forms of interventionism include economic, political, and military. Economic interventionism involves the use of tariffs, subsidies, and other economic measures to influence the economic policies of other countries. Political interventionism involves the use of diplomatic and political pressure to influence the internal affairs of other countries. Military interventionism involves the deployment of troops and other military forces to gain control of a region or territory.

The motivations for interventionism have varied throughout history. In some cases, countries have used interventionism to gain control of resources or markets. In other cases, interventionism has been used to prevent the spread of communism or to protect allies. Finally, interventionism has been used to spread democracy and to promote human rights.

In conclusion, interventionism is a concept that has been used throughout history to exert influence over other countries and to gain access to resources and markets. It has had a significant impact on international relations, and various forms of interventionism have been employed by countries around the world. In addition, the motivations for interventionism have varied throughout history, depending on the particular situation.


Cox, M. (2003). Interventionism: A history. New York, NY: Routledge.

Meyer, J. (2013). Interventionism: A guide to the issues. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Soroka, S. (2008). Interventionism: A review of the literature. International Studies Quarterly, 52(2), 339-358. doi:10.1111/j.1468-2478.2008.00475.x

Zimmermann, K. (2016). Interventionism in international relations: A historical analysis. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

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