1. overall, perseverance in doing something to an awesome level or past an adequate point. 2. with regard to neuropsychology, the improper repeating of actions which are frequently correlated with injury to the brain’s frontal lobe. 3. an incapacity to interfere with the carrying out of a job or to switch from one method or process to another one. Perseveration might be seen. 4. in accordance with the preservation-consolidation hypothesis, the repeating, following a learning experience, of neural procedures which are responsible for memory cultivation, that is required for the integration of long-term memory. 5. with regard to speech and linguistics, the perseverance of irregular or improper repeating of a noise, term, or statement, as takes place in stuttering. 6. the perseverance or extending of a speech mode beyond the specific growth stage to which it is typical of or accepted.

PERSEVERATION: “I honestly appreciated your preservation on the matter.”
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