Primary Line of Sight: A Review of its Implications for Human Performance

The primary line of sight (PLOS) is a concept that is often used in the study of human performance. It is defined as the first and most direct line of sight between the performer and the target. This concept is used to explain how people interact with their environment, as well as how they interact with others. In this review, we will discuss the implications of PLOS for human performance and how it can be used to improve performance.

One of the most important implications of PLOS is its ability to facilitate visual perception. Visual perception is a key factor in a person’s ability to identify, interpret, and respond to the environment. Studies have shown that when individuals are able to maintain a direct line of sight with a target, they are more likely to accurately identify and respond to the target. In particular, individuals are more likely to accurately detect and respond to hazards, such as objects obstructing their path. Additionally, PLOS has been found to improve performance in motor tasks, such as catching a ball or running a race.

Another important implication of PLOS is its ability to facilitate coordination between multiple performers. Studies have shown that when multiple performers are able to maintain a direct line of sight with each other, they are more likely to be able to coordinate their movements in order to achieve a common goal. This is especially important in team sports, such as basketball or soccer, where players must often rely on each other’s movements in order to achieve success.

Finally, PLOS has been found to improve communication between performers. Studies have shown that when performers are able to maintain a direct line of sight with one another, they are more likely to effectively communicate with each other. This is especially important in team sports, such as basketball or soccer, where players must often rely on verbal and nonverbal cues in order to effectively coordinate their movements.

In conclusion, PLOS is an important concept that has implications for human performance. It is able to facilitate visual perception, coordination between multiple performers, and communication between performers. Researchers and practitioners should be aware of the implications of PLOS and use it to improve performance in various tasks.


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O’Connor, P. J., & Herrmann, D. (2002). The importance of primary line of sight in basketball. Human Performance, 15(2), 145–164.

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