Stochastic Processes: An Overview

Stochastic processes are a key concept in mathematics and probability theory, and are used to model a wide range of natural phenomena and human activities. They are an important tool in engineering, economics, finance, and other fields. Stochastic processes are characterized by their randomness, and the fact that their future states are unknown. In this article, we will provide an overview of stochastic processes, their various types, and their applications.

What are Stochastic Processes?

A stochastic process is a sequence of random variables that evolve over time. It is a mathematical model of a random phenomenon, such as the stock market or the weather. A stochastic process consists of a set of random variables, each of which is a function of time. The random variables can be discrete or continuous. They are typically described by a probability distribution, which describes the probability that the process will take on any particular value over a given time interval.

Types of Stochastic Processes

There are several types of stochastic processes. The most common types are Markov processes, Brownian motion, and Poisson processes.

Markov Processes: A Markov process is a stochastic process where the future state of the process depends only on its current state. The process follows a set of rules that describe the probabilities of how it will transition from one state to another.

Brownian Motion: Brownian motion is a random process that describes the motion of particles suspended in a fluid. It is a continuous-time process and is characterized by its mean, variance, and autocorrelation.

Poisson Processes: A Poisson process is a discrete-time process that describes the arrival of events over time. It is characterized by the rate at which events occur, and the probability of an event occurring in any given interval of time.

Applications of Stochastic Processes

Stochastic processes are used in many areas of science and engineering. They are used to model physical phenomena, such as Brownian motion, and they are also used to model financial markets, such as stock prices. In addition, stochastic processes can be used to model queues in computer networks, the spread of epidemics, and the movement of particles in chemical reactions.


Stochastic processes are a powerful tool for modeling a wide range of phenomena. They are characterized by their randomness, and their future states are typically unknown. There are several different types of stochastic processes, each with its own characteristics and applications. Stochastic processes are used to model physical phenomena, financial markets, computer networks, epidemics, and chemical reactions.


Dalal, R. (2018). Stochastic processes. In Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Society (pp. 1-3). Springer, Cham.

Karatzas, I., & Shreve, S. E. (1991). Brownian motion and stochastic calculus. Springer Science & Business Media.

Klenke, A. (2008). Probability theory: a comprehensive course. Springer Science & Business Media.

Ross, S. M. (1996). Stochastic processes. John Wiley & Sons.

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