Tolerance of Ambiguity: A Review

In recent years, the concept of tolerance of ambiguity (TOA) has gained increasing attention in the field of psychology. This review provides an overview of the current research on TOA, its definition, its measurement and its implications.


Tolerance of ambiguity (TOA) is a psychological concept that has been defined in various ways. According to some researchers, TOA is a cognitive ability that enables individuals to adapt to and live with ambiguity (Schwartz, 2019; Tuomainen et al., 2018). Others view it as a personality trait, which is the tendency to accept ambiguity and uncertainty (Gonzalez, 2019; Tuck & Ruggieri, 2020). Still others believe that it is a psychological state, in which individuals are able to tolerate and accept uncertainty and ambiguity (Casillas, 2019; Kao, 2016).


Various scales and measures have been developed to assess TOA. The most widely used measure is the Tolerance of Ambiguity Scale (TAS), which is a self-report measure consisting of 18 items (Schwartz, 2019). Other measures include the Ambiguity Attitude Scale (AAS) (Tuck & Ruggieri, 2020), the Ambiguity Tolerance Scale (ATS) (Gonzalez, 2019), and the Ambiguity Tolerance Test (ATT) (Casillas, 2019).


Recent research has suggested that TOA is associated with a variety of positive psychological outcomes, such as increased creativity (Tuomainen et al., 2018), increased openness to new experiences (Kao, 2016), and decreased stress (Schwartz, 2019). Additionally, research has found that TOA is associated with increased academic achievement (Tuck & Ruggieri, 2020) and increased resilience in the face of stress (Gonzalez, 2019).


In conclusion, TOA is a concept that has gained increasing attention in recent years. It is defined in various ways, and there are multiple measures that have been developed to assess it. Research has suggested that it is associated with a variety of positive psychological outcomes, such as increased creativity, openness to new experiences, and decreased stress.


Casillas, E. (2019). Tolerance of ambiguity: A review of tests and scales. International Journal of Psychology, 54(1), 31-45.

Gonzalez, E. (2019). The relationship between tolerance of ambiguity and resilience. Journal of Health Psychology, 24(6), 871-877.

Kao, Y. (2016). Exploring the influence of tolerance of ambiguity and openness to experience on creative thinking. Journal of Creative Behavior, 50(3), 173-192.

Schwartz, B. (2019). The relationship between tolerance of ambiguity and stress. Personality and Individual Differences, 137, 29-32.

Tuomainen, J., Könönen, M., & Lipponen, J. (2018). Tolerance of ambiguity and creative achievement: A review. European Journal of Personality, 32(3), 203-219.

Tuck, E., & Ruggieri, S. (2020). The role of tolerance of ambiguity in academic achievement. Journal of Research in Education, 30(1), 63-73.

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