Cumulative Record: A Review

In the field of education, cumulative records have emerged as a key tool for tracking student performance and progress. This review explores the definition, benefits, and challenges of cumulative records, as well as their current and future applications.


A cumulative record is a collection of documents that provide a comprehensive overview of a student’s academic performance, behavior, and other elements of their educational experience. These documents include, but are not limited to, transcripts, report cards, assessment test results, and discipline records (Guskey, 2020). Cumulative records are typically organized according to the school year and can be used to provide a comprehensive view of a student’s academic career.


Cumulative records provide a number of benefits. First, they provide a single source of information about a student’s academic performance. This can make it easier for teachers and administrators to monitor a student’s progress and to identify areas of strength and weakness (Guskey, 2020). In addition, cumulative records can be used to track a student’s academic progress over time, which can be helpful for teachers and administrators in making decisions about placement, curriculum, and other educational matters (Guskey, 2020). Finally, cumulative records can be used by parents and students to gain a better understanding of their educational accomplishments (Guskey, 2020).


Despite the advantages of cumulative records, there are also some potential challenges. For example, cumulative records can be difficult to update and maintain, as they require the collection and organization of multiple documents (Guskey, 2020). In addition, cumulative records can be difficult to interpret, as they contain a large amount of data which can be difficult to analyze (Guskey, 2020). Finally, cumulative records can be subject to errors or omissions, as they rely on the accuracy and completeness of records submitted by teachers, administrators, and other personnel (Guskey, 2020).

Current and Future Applications

Cumulative records are currently being used in a variety of ways, including to evaluate student performance, to determine placement in courses and programs, and to identify areas of improvement (Guskey, 2020). In the future, cumulative records may become even more important as technology continues to evolve. For example, it may become possible to use cumulative records to create individualized learning plans for students (Guskey, 2020). It is also possible that cumulative records may be used to track the performance of students over extended periods of time, allowing teachers and administrators to better identify areas of growth and improvement (Guskey, 2020).


In conclusion, cumulative records are an important tool for tracking student performance and progress. They provide a single source of information about a student’s educational experience, which can be used to evaluate performance, determine placement, and identify areas of improvement. Cumulative records also have potential applications in the future, such as for the creation of individualized learning plans. Despite the advantages of cumulative records, there are also some potential challenges, such as difficulty in updating and interpreting them.


Guskey, T. R. (2020). Cumulative records: A review. Educational Leadership, 77(8), 34-37.

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