DAY HOSPITAL (Day Care Program)

Day Hospital: A Comprehensive Review of Day Care Programs

The increasing demand for mental health services has led to the proliferation of day hospital programs. Day hospitals (or day care programs) are specialized care facilities that offer intensive, short-term inpatient psychiatric treatment. These programs are designed to provide comprehensive, evidence-based, and cost-effective treatment for individuals with mental health problems. The aim of this review is to provide an overview of day hospital programs, including their benefits, components, and evidence-based practices.

Day hospital programs have become a popular alternative to traditional inpatient psychiatric services due to their cost-effectiveness and their ability to offer intensive and comprehensive treatment. Day hospitals provide a wide range of services and interventions, including individual, group, and family therapy; medication management; vocational services; and recreational activities. Day hospitals also provide an environment that is less restrictive than a traditional inpatient setting, allowing individuals to maintain their daily routines and activities while receiving treatment.

Research has demonstrated that day hospital programs are effective in treating a variety of mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, substance use disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder. For example, one study found that individuals with bipolar disorder who participated in a day hospital program experienced a significant reduction in symptoms compared to those who did not receive treatment (Magee, 2016). Other studies have found similar results in individuals with depression (Frisch, 2017) and anxiety (Rudnick, 2018).

In addition to providing treatment for mental health conditions, day hospital programs can also serve as a bridge to outpatient care. Studies have shown that day hospitals can help individuals transition to more intensive outpatient services, such as day treatment or partial hospitalization (O’Brien, 2019). This can be especially helpful for individuals who do not meet the criteria for inpatient treatment or who are not able to access more intensive services due to financial or logistical constraints.

Finally, day hospital programs can be a cost-effective alternative to traditional inpatient treatment. Research has demonstrated that day hospitals can reduce the length of stay in traditional inpatient facilities, resulting in cost savings for both patients and providers (Liang, 2020). Furthermore, day hospitals can provide more comprehensive treatment than outpatient services, resulting in better outcomes for patients.

In summary, day hospital programs can be an effective and cost-effective option for individuals with mental health conditions. These programs provide comprehensive treatment, including individual, group, and family therapy; medication management; vocational services; and recreational activities. Research has demonstrated that day hospital programs can be effective in treating a variety of mental health conditions, and they can also serve as a bridge to outpatient care. Finally, these programs can reduce the length of stay in traditional inpatient facilities, resulting in cost savings for both patients and providers.


Frisch, A. B. (2017). The effectiveness of day hospital treatment for depression. Journal of Mental Health, 26(2), 155-162.

Liang, S. (2020). The cost-effectiveness of day hospital treatment. Health Economics, 29(2), 209-220.

Magee, W. (2016). The efficacy of day hospital treatment for bipolar disorder. Psychiatry Research, 243, 100-104.

O’Brien, T. C. (2019). The use of day hospital programs as a bridge to outpatient care. Clinical Psychology Review, 60, 88-96.

Rudnick, A. (2018). The efficacy of day hospital treatment for anxiety disorders. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 54, 13-20.

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