“Deja Raconte: A Novel Tool for Storytelling”

Storytelling has been a fundamental part of human culture for centuries. It is a powerful tool for connecting with others, conveying information, and creating memories. In recent years, technology has enabled new methods for storytelling. One such tool is Deja Raconte, a digital storytelling platform created by a team of technologists, filmmakers, and storytellers.

Deja Raconte is a web-based application that enables users to create interactive stories that can be shared with others. It offers a range of features, including the ability to create stories with multiple characters and scenes, as well as a library of assets such as backgrounds, characters, and sound effects. Additionally, users can collaborate with others to create their stories, allowing for a more collaborative storytelling experience.

Deja Raconte offers several key benefits. One is its user-friendly design, which makes it easy for anyone to create stories without having to be an experienced storyteller or filmmaker. Additionally, its library of assets allows users to create stories with a high level of visual and audio fidelity. Finally, the collaborative nature of the platform allows for a more engaging experience when creating stories with others.

Overall, Deja Raconte is an innovative platform that allows users to create and share interactive stories with ease. Its user-friendly design, library of assets, and collaborative features make it an ideal tool for anyone interested in digital storytelling.


Khan, M. (2019). Deja Raconte: Bringing Digital Storytelling to Life. Medium. Retrieved from

Deja Raconte. (2021). Deja Raconte. Retrieved from

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