The Delta Movement: A Comprehensive Overview

The Delta Movement is a global grassroots effort that seeks to create a more sustainable and equitable world. It is an initiative of the Earth Charter International (ECI), a non-governmental organization that promotes a culture of peace, sustainability, and respect for human rights. This article provides an overview of the Delta Movement and its main objectives.

The Delta Movement was founded in 2010 and is based on the principles of the Earth Charter, which was created by the United Nations in 2000. The Earth Charter is a document that outlines the values and principles that should guide human behavior and decision-making. The Delta Movement seeks to promote these values and principles and to create a world that is more sustainable, equitable, and peaceful.

The Delta Movement is composed of a global network of individuals, organizations, and initiatives. The Delta Movement focuses on the following areas: climate change, biodiversity, and environmental justice. It also seeks to promote sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles.

The Delta Movement promotes the Earth Charter by advocating for its values and principles. It works with local and global organizations to raise awareness about the Earth Charter and its vision of a sustainable future. It also works to implement the Earth Charter’s principles in the areas of policy, education, and civil society.

The Delta Movement has achieved a number of successes in its efforts to promote sustainability. It has helped to create a global network of sustainable development initiatives, such as the Global Climate Change Initiative, the Global Biodiversity Initiative, and the Global Environmental Justice Initiative. It has also helped to bring together individuals, organizations, and governments to discuss and promote sustainable development.

The Delta Movement has also had an impact on policy and education. In 2017, it helped to launch the Global Sustainable Development Report (GSD Report), which provides a comprehensive overview of the progress made in sustainable development since the adoption of the Earth Charter in 2000. The GSD Report was produced by the United Nations and the World Economic Forum, and it is the first report of its kind to be released.

The Delta Movement has also worked to promote sustainable lifestyles. It has promoted initiatives such as the Sustainable Consumption and Production initiative, which seeks to promote more sustainable patterns of consumption and production. It has also supported the development of green business models and projects that promote sustainable consumption and production.

The Delta Movement is an important effort to promote sustainability and equity. It is an initiative that seeks to bring together individuals, organizations, and governments to work together to create a more sustainable and equitable world.


Earth Charter International. (2020). About the Delta Movement. Retrieved from

Global Sustainable Development Report. (2017). The Global Sustainable Development Report 2017. Retrieved from

United Nations. (2000). The Earth Charter. Retrieved from

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