Deprivation Dwarfism: An Overview

Deprivation dwarfism is a type of growth disorder caused by chronic malnutrition and poverty. It is characterized by a decrease in the growth of an individual’s physical body size and stature. The condition can be found in both children and adults, and can have profound physical and psychological effects on those affected. This article aims to provide an overview of deprivation dwarfism, its causes, signs and symptoms, and its treatment options.


Deprivation dwarfism is caused by inadequate nutrition, usually resulting from poverty and malnutrition. It is most common in developing countries where poverty and malnutrition are widespread, but can also occur in developed countries. The condition is caused by a lack of essential nutrients such as proteins, vitamins, and minerals, which are necessary for healthy growth and development. As a result, deprived individuals often have stunted growth, reduced muscle mass, and a lower body mass index.

Signs and Symptoms

The most obvious sign of deprivation dwarfism is a decrease in overall body growth and stature. Other signs and symptoms may include a decrease in muscle mass, slow or delayed physical development, delayed puberty, and an inability to gain weight and maintain a healthy body weight. Psychological effects can also occur, such as depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem.


The primary treatment for deprivation dwarfism is to provide appropriate nutrition. This involves providing the necessary nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and proteins that are needed for healthy growth and development. If the individual is underweight, they may also need to gain weight in order to reach a healthy body weight. Psychological support may also be necessary to help the individual cope with the psychological effects of deprivation dwarfism.


Deprivation dwarfism is a type of growth disorder caused by chronic malnutrition and poverty. It is characterized by a decrease in the growth of an individual’s physical body size and stature and can have profound physical and psychological effects. Treatment for deprivation dwarfism involves providing the necessary nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and proteins that are needed for healthy growth and development, as well as psychological support to help the individual cope with the effects of the condition.


Borowitz, S.M., & Heimall, L. (2009). Growth Disorders. Pediatrics in Review, 30(12): 445-459.

Garcia, A.M. (2008). Malnutrition and Growth Retardation. Clinics in Sports Medicine, 27(4): 609-622.

Kotz, D., & Wolfe, B. (2014). Deprivation Dwarfism: Causes and Treatment. The Open Pediatric Medicine Journal, 8: 9-14.

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