Derailment: An Overview of Causes and Prevention


Derailment is a catastrophic event that can occur in railway systems and transport of goods by rail that can lead to serious injuries, destruction of property, and environmental damage. This paper provides an overview of the causes of derailment and prevention strategies that can be used to reduce the risk of the event occurring. The paper also considers the impact of derailment on railway systems, transport companies, and the environment. It concludes by summarizing the key points.


Derailment is a catastrophic event that can occur in railway systems and transport of goods by rail that can lead to serious injuries, destruction of property, and environmental damage (Kumar, 2019). Derailment can be caused by a number of factors, including poor track maintenance, faulty equipment, and human error. In these cases, the costs of derailment are significant and can include the need for repair or replacement of infrastructure, loss of revenue due to delays, and legal liability (Kumar, 2019). Therefore, it is essential to understand the causes of derailment and the strategies that can be used to reduce the risk of derailment.

Causes of Derailment

Derailment can be caused by a number of factors. Poor track maintenance is one of the most common causes of derailment (Kumar, 2019). Poor track maintenance can lead to the formation of weak points on the rail, which can cause a train to derail when it passes over them. Faulty equipment is another common cause of derailment (Kumar, 2019). In these cases, the faulty equipment can cause the train to derail or the train can derail as a result of the faulty equipment, such as a broken wheel or a broken axle. Finally, human error can be a cause of derailment as well (Kumar, 2019). In these cases, the train can derail as a result of incorrect operation of the train or a mistake in the track design.

Prevention Strategies

There are a number of strategies that can be used to reduce the risk of derailment. The first is to ensure that tracks are regularly inspected and maintained (Kumar, 2019). This includes ensuring that the track is free of debris, that the track is properly aligned, and that the track is free of any weak points. Additionally, regular maintenance of the train equipment should be conducted to ensure that all components are in good working order (Kumar, 2019). Finally, training should be provided to all personnel responsible for operating the train to ensure that they are aware of the risks associated with derailment and the correct procedures to follow.

Impact of Derailment

Derailment can have a significant impact on railway systems, transport companies, and the environment. For railway systems, derailment can lead to delays in service and significant repair costs (Kumar, 2019). For transport companies, derailment can result in significant financial losses due to delays in service and legal liability (Kumar, 2019). Finally, derailment can also have a significant impact on the environment, as spilled cargo can contaminate water sources and the release of hazardous materials can cause air pollution (Kumar, 2019).


Derailment is a catastrophic event that can lead to serious injuries, destruction of property, and environmental damage. The causes of derailment include poor track maintenance, faulty equipment, and human error. There are a number of strategies that can be used to reduce the risk of derailment, including regular track inspection and maintenance, regular maintenance of train equipment, and training of personnel responsible for operating the train. Finally, derailment can have a significant impact on railway systems, transport companies, and the environment.


Kumar, A. (2019). Derailment: Causes, Prevention and its Effects. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 10(4), 1684-1690.

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