Directedness is a concept in the field of graph theory that describes the relationship between the nodes and edges of a graph. Specifically, directedness is a measure of how well the edges of a graph can be used to traverse from one node to another. A graph is said to be directed if the edges have a specific direction from one node to another, while an undirected graph does not have any such directionality.

Directedness is a useful tool for studying the structure of networks, as it allows researchers to understand the relationship between nodes and edges. For example, a directed graph can be used to model relationships between people, where the edges represent the connections between individuals. In this way, we can use directedness to measure how well connected a particular group of people is, or to determine the centrality of a given node in a network.

In addition to being used to study the structure of networks, directedness can also be used to study the dynamics of a system. By analyzing the directedness of a graph, researchers can gain insight into how a system evolves over time. For instance, directed graphs can be used to model the spread of an infectious disease, where the edges represent the transmission pathways. By studying the directedness of the graph, researchers can determine the most efficient transmission pathways and the most vulnerable individuals in the population.

Directedness can also be used to study the behavior of agents in a network. By analyzing the directedness of a graph, researchers can gain insight into how an agent will behave in a given environment. This can be used to study the behavior of people in a social network, or the behavior of robots in a simulated environment.

Directedness has been studied extensively in the field of graph theory, and has applications in many different disciplines. In particular, it has been used in network analysis, epidemiology, artificial intelligence, and economics.


Berman, K. A., & Plemmons, R. J. (1994). Nonnegative matrices in the mathematical sciences. Academic Press.

Newman, M. E. J. (2010). Networks: An introduction. Oxford University Press.

Travers, J., & Milgram, S. (1969). An experimental study of the small world problem. Sociometry, 32(4), 425-443.

Vespignani, A. (2009). Predicting the behavior of techno-social systems. Science, 325(5939), 425-428.

Watts, D. J., & Strogatz, S. H. (1998). Collective dynamics of small-world networks. Nature, 393(6684), 440-442.

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