Drive displacement is a concept of displacement of a drive by a certain amount of time, distance, or speed, and is commonly used in automotive and marine engineering to determine the displacement of a drive system. The displacement of a drive is often used to calculate the efficiency of a drive system, as well as its power output.

In automotive engineering, drive displacement is often used to determine the displacement of a drive system in order to calculate the power output of an engine. This is done by measuring the displacement of a drive shaft, which is the amount of travel of the drive shaft that occurs during a given period of time. The displacement of the drive shaft is typically measured in cubic centimeters (cc) or liters (L).

In marine engineering, drive displacement is often used to determine the displacement of a propeller or other drive system. This is done by measuring the displacement of the propeller during a given period of time. The displacement of the propeller is typically measured in cubic centimeters (cc) or liters (L).

Drive displacement can also be used to calculate the efficiency of a drive system. This is done by measuring the displacement of the drive shaft or propeller during a given period of time, and then comparing it to the power output of the drive system. The efficiency of a drive system can be calculated using the following formula:

Efficiency = (Power Output / Drive Displacement) x 100

The efficiency of a drive system is typically expressed as a percentage.

Drive displacement is an important concept in automotive and marine engineering, as it is used to calculate the efficiency of a drive system, as well as its power output. Knowing the displacement of a drive system can help engineers to optimize the design of a drive system for maximum efficiency.


Krause, E. P. (2006). Krause’s standard handbook for bicycle mechanics. John Wiley & Sons.

Lloyd, R. (2004). Automotive engineering fundamentals. SAE International.

Marine Engineering. (2019, April 07). In Wikipedia. Retrieved June 21, 2020, from

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