Oneiromancy, also known as dream interpretation, is the practice of interpreting or predicting the future using dreams as a source of information. It has been used for centuries by many cultures, including the ancient Greeks, Egyptians, Chinese, and Native Americans. While there is no scientific evidence to support oneiromancy, there is a great deal of anecdotal evidence and many people believe in the power of interpreting dreams.

The practice of oneiromancy is based on the belief that dreams are a source of important information from supernatural sources or from the subconscious mind. By interpreting the symbols and metaphors within a dream, a person may be able to gain insight into the future. Some oneiromancers believe that certain symbols in dreams have specific meanings, while others believe that each dream is unique and requires individual interpretation.

Oneiromancy has been used in various ways throughout the years. In some cultures, dreams are seen as omens from the gods or as messages from the dead. In other cultures, they are seen as predictions of the future. In some cases, oneiromancy is used to gain insight into a person’s psychological state, while in other cases it is used to gain information about the world around them.

Oneiromancy is not an exact science and should be used with caution. Interpretations of dreams can be highly subjective and may be based on personal beliefs and experiences. Furthermore, the accuracy of oneiromancy can be difficult to measure since it relies on subjective interpretations of a dream.

Despite its lack of scientific evidence, oneiromancy continues to be practiced in many cultures. While it may not provide exact answers, oneiromancy can be a valuable tool for gaining insight into one’s subconscious mind and exploring the possibilities of the future.


Armstrong, K. (1992). A History of God: The 4,000-Year Quest of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. New York, NY: Ballantine Books.

Borchard, T. (2015). What Is Oneiromancy? Dream Interpretation: A Closer Look. Retrieved from

Kirkwood, J. (2008). Dream Symbols and Their Meanings. Retrieved from

O’Connor, C. (2006). Dreams: An Introduction to Dream Interpretation. London, UK: Routledge.

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