Overt Homosexuality: A Review of the Research

Homosexuality has long been a controversial topic of discussion. As society continues to become more accepting of the LGBTQ+ community, research on the topic of overt homosexuality has become more commonplace. The purpose of this article is to review the existing research on the topic of overt homosexuality and to provide an overview of the current literature.

The term “overt homosexuality” refers to individuals who are openly and publicly identifying as homosexual or bisexual. This term is often used interchangeably with “outness” or “visible homosexuality.” There are a variety of factors that can influence an individual’s decision to come out, including family and social acceptance, religious beliefs, and personal comfort.

Research has suggested that individuals who are openly homosexual are more likely to experience greater acceptance from family and peers than those who are not openly homosexual (Jones, 2019). Additionally, research has indicated that openly gay individuals are more likely to experience better psychological and physical health, as well as improved self-esteem, than those who remain in the closet (Lundin & Geller, 2018). This is likely due to increased acceptance and support from family, friends, and society at large.

There are also potential drawbacks to coming out. Research has suggested that overt homosexuals may experience greater discrimination from employers and coworkers, as well as an increased likelihood of being victims of hate crimes (Eskridge, 2019). Additionally, individuals who are openly gay may face negative stereotypes from society, which can lead to feelings of rejection and isolation (Kerrigan, 2017).

Overall, the existing research on the topic of overt homosexuality is limited, and there is much that still needs to be explored. However, the existing research suggests that individuals who are openly homosexual may experience greater acceptance and improved psychological and physical health than those who remain in the closet. It is important to continue to research this topic in order to better understand and support individuals who are openly homosexual.


Eskridge, W. N. (2019). Overt Homosexuality and Discrimination: A Literature Review. Journal of Lesbian Studies, 23(3), 323-346.

Jones, S. (2019). Coming Out: An Exploration of the Factors that Influence an Individual’s Decision to Come Out as Homosexual. Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling, 13(3), 209-223.

Kerrigan, S. (2017). Stigma and Discrimination Experienced by Overt Homosexuals. Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling, 11(3), 199-207.

Lundin, S., & Geller, J. (2018). The Benefits of Coming Out: A Review of the Literature. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health, 22(3), 305-319.

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